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pvWiki by aChamberOfDeath
Creation Date: Mon 17 Jul 2000 at 00:38 Pacific(USA)
Last Change: Mon 17 Jul 2000 at 00:38 Pacific(USA)

Okay. It's made of some components:
The main perl script that does some simple handling of URLs and form data
There are a couple of auxiliary modules. One does all the 'page handling' using a filesystem. One does all the functionality of the pvWiki system.
This is the user-provided stuff. Like what you're reading now.
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Legal Discourse: The pvWiki system is copyright (C) 2000 by Philo Vivero (tim ellis) and released under the terms of the GnuPublicLicense (GPL), an implementation of the Gnu Copyleft. It is an implementation that is mostly inspired by the Wiki system, developed by one WardCunningham and in particular by the Kehei Wiki by BobRacko.